Electrodermal screening, also called Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll, or simply VEGA, is used to investigate and screen the functioning of various body systems, organs and functions. Together, the sciences of Acupuncture and Homeopathy are used to determine factors such as food and environmental allergies, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, chronic stress factors, toxins in the body, and stressed organs. This is a simple and painless testing procedure, carried out as follows: The patient holds an electrode in one hand, while the Electrodermal Screening (EDS) Practitioner uses a probe on an acupuncture point on the hand (or foot), while the Vega machine measures the energy of the body. These readings, either positive or negative, are then recorded and interpreted by the EDS Practitioner.
The body is an electrical system with all 50 trillion plus cells governed largely by electrical differences occurring between individual cells and our external environment.
Modern biophysics has shown that cells resonate at certain frequencies and have radio-like transmitting and receiving properties that allow cells to inter-communicate and control biological and chemical systems in the body.
As healthy harmonic cells resonate at a very different frequency to that of unhealthy cells, this specialized non-invasive form of electrical resonance testing known as electrodermal screening is used to identify possible cellular imbalances or stressors that may be affecting the body’s electrical system.
Asthma, rhinitis, eczema, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches/migraines, depression and anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity, and many other symptoms can arise as an allergic/intolerance response. Once the intolerances are known, then steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate exposure to the offending substance with a consequent improvement in health. However, sensitivities in and of themselves may not be the final answer - being allergic should be seen as a symptom of a stressed body system. In this circumstance, identifying and resolving the stresses (stress factors include toxins, viruses, bacterial infections and nutritional deficiencies) will then result in reduced allergic response.
Electrodermal testing has been used successfully in Europe since 1953, originating with the German Electro-Acupuncture technique as developed by Dr. Reinhold Voll, a German physician, acupuncturist, and engineer. Dr. Voll established a clear connection between electro-acupuncture points and internal organs, functions, and processes.
We are thrilled to announce the “VEGA Referral Program,” a plan for referring practitioners who wish to use the Electrodermal Screening (VEGA) method for their patients. If you would like more information or to register for the program, please click the button below to send us an email.
If you are a patient and are interested in Electrodermal Screening, please direct your practitioner to this page. Alternatively, you may call our clinic and book an appointment with Dr. Andrea Carr to learn more.
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